Wiska Catalogue 2024
Contractor Packs
Our BraceCONTRACTOR Packs offer a complete ready-to-go kit. Available in 6 options, each kit comes complete with flexible conduit, BraceFITTINGS, locknuts, and a choice of COMBI Junction Boxes Solid Conduit Fittings
Our BC Kit1 is a particular product highlight. The BC Kit 1 comes complete with 1m of flexible conduit, 2 x M20 BraceFITTINGS, 1 x M20 ESKV Cable Gland, locknut and 1 x COMBI 206 making it the perfect kit for an LED floodlight or CCTV camera. The BraceCONTRACTOR Kits offer a high quality, secure, IP67/68 solution.
As well as fittings for flexible conduit, WISKA also offer solid conduit fittings. The KRASM and KRASS are available in grey, black and white in M20 size. The KRASM is a threaded solid conduit fitting with cable retention. Perfect to use with our threaded entries on our COMBI Junction Box range. The KRASS is a push-in solid conduit fitting with cable retention.
Metallic Fittings
IP67 brass-nickel plated conduit fittings for smooth or corrugated conduit types.
A range of high quality PA6, PA12 flexible conduit to protect your cables. Available in standard, heavy duty and split options. Metallic conduit also available in smooth and corrugated. The range includes PVC coated corrugated and smooth, high temperature, PU coated and steel wire over-braid.
Tel: 01208 816062 / info@wiska.co.uk / www.wiska.co.uk Other technical data on request / Subject to modifications and amendments
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