Walraven Britclips
Walraven Britclips ® - 3
Britclips ® Beam Clips / Threaded Rod Hanger
Part No.
A (mm) H (mm) R (mm) Fa,z (N) Qty
EM50420804 RH8MT-12 2 - 4 44 M8 680 100 EM50421004 RH10MT-12 2 - 4 44 M10 680 100 EM50420609 RH6MT-25 4 - 8 51 M6 680 100 EM50420809 RH8MT-25 4 - 8 51 M8 680 100 EM50421009 RH10MT-25 4 - 8 51 M10 680 100 EM50420616 RH6MT-50 8 - 14 56 M6 680 100 EM50420816 RH8MT-50 8 - 14 56 M8 680 100 EM50421016 RH10MT-50 8 - 14 56 M10 680 100 EM50420820 RH8MT-75 14 - 20 63 M8 680 100
Britclips ® Vertical Flange Threaded Rod Hangers
Part No.
A (mm) R (mm) Fa,z (N) Qty
EP57420605 VF1-6MT EP57420805 VF1-8MT
1 - 5 M6 1 - 5 M8
650 700
25 25 25
VF1-10MT 1 - 5 M10 720
EM57421105 VF1-12P EM57420607 VF2-6MT EM57420807 VF2-8MT
1 - 5 Ø 11.0 720
100 100 100 100
68 mm
5 - 7 M6 5 - 7 M8
650 700
EM57421007 VF2-10MT 5 - 7 M10 720
EP part codes are bagged products EM part codes are boxed products
More sizes and variations are shown online at walraven.com
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