Unitrunk Brochure V5


Floor Trunking Systems (cont.) - 08 Cavity Floor Tap-Off Lid

Innovative Design Solutions - 11 Adjustable Bends (Horizontal)


139 140 140 139 139 139 140 140 140 139 140 139 136 137 137 137 136 137 135 135 137 136 135 137 135 137 136 136

Cavity Floor Trunking

113, 116

Adjustable Bends (Vertical)

Cavity Floor Trunking Coupling

116 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 112 122 120 120

Cable Guard

Easy-Way Blank End

Cavity Floor Access Hatch Change of Face Trunking Dado Anti Ligature Double Depth Tee Flexible Bend Trunking Floor Box - Metal Trim Flush Floor Trunking Chequer Plate Lid Flush Floor Trunking Recessed Lid

Easy-Way Height Adjustable Coupling Easy-Way Inspection Lid

Easy-Way Riser Bend

Easy-Way Service Outlet Frame Easy-Way Service Outlet Lid

Easy-Way Trunking

Easy-Way Universal Fitting

Service Outlet Plates


Industrial Floor Box

Underfloor Adjustable Collar

Power Posts

Underfloor Blank End Underfloor Coupling

Screw Fixed Lid Trunking

Shallow Flush Floor

Underfloor Flange Coupling Underfloor Inspection Lid Underfloor Riser Bend Underfloor Riser Flange Underfloor Service Outlet

120 120 120 120 120 120 121

Weather Proof Trunking

Accessories & Supports - 12 Back to Back Cantilever Arm

Basket to Channel Clip

Underfloor Trunking

Beam Clamp

Underfloor Universal Fitting

Channel Nuts No Spring

Cone Pointed Bolts

Drop in Anchor Flat Washers

Bench Outlet & Perimeter Trunking - 09 Bench Trunking 130 Bench Trunking Fittings 130-131 Dado Trunking 128 Dado Trunking Fittings 128-129 Skirting Trunking 125 Skirting Blank End 125 Skirting Trunking Fittings 126-127

Full Hexagonal Nuts Hex Head Set Screws

Long Spring Channel Nuts

Mudguard Washers

Rod Joiners

Roofing Nuts & Bolts

139 139 139 139 140 140 14

Short Sprint Channel Nuts Single Channel Cantilever Arm

Tray to Channel Klip

Treaded Rod

Steel Conduit - 10 Steel Conduit (Class 4)

Trunking to Channel Bracket

Wedge Nut



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