Manrose Ventilation Brochure
T h e c o m p l e t e o n e s t o p V e n t i l a t i o n C o m p a n y
New Products
Quiet Fan X5 Conceal The Manrose Quiet Fan X5 Conceal is the latest in domestic ventilation to incorporate a high extraction rate whilst producing an incredibly quiet running volume all with the additional flexibility of being IPX5 compliant. IEE Regulations (U.K.) allow for IPX5 fans to be installed into zone 1 without the need for low voltage transformer making this comprehensive range ideal for bathrooms and toilets. See pages 14-15
Lo-Watt ManiVent DC Whole-House Extract System With the growing concerns about over ventilating properties, the Multispeed Multivent offers the option of ‘Close Control’ both in the residential and the commercial sectors. With a DC motor that can be set to ventilate any area up to 118 l/s, the Multispeed Multivent is one of the most efficient central extract units in the UK. See pages 90-91
Stanza 48in Ceiling Fan The Stanza fan is a stylish, modern ceiling fan, ideal for homes, offices, stores, shops and many other applications*. The precision moulded glass fibre composite blades give increased stability and higher airflow, working to cool the environment in summer months. In winter months, the Stanza can be set to Eco mode, which will gently recirculate heat from the ceiling towards occupants, therefore helping to conserve energy. See pages 85
Sunburst Radiant Heater The Sunburst radiant heater is the ideal choice for those that want to use their outdoor space. This radiant heater is great for pubs, cafes, bars, restaurants and installation at home due to a heating range 10-12m 2 . The heater comes delivered with an easy-to- mount wall bracket and cable to speed up installation. See pages 115
* Stanza 48in Ceiling Fan must be mounted above 2.3m
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