Lightwave 2024 Brochure

London Stadium (ex Olympic stadium ) The longest cantilevered roof in the world World Class environment, multi-use venue

Stadium Case Study

The London Stadium hosts around 35 events per year and faced significant energy wastage due to devices being left on during non-event periods. Lightwave addressed this challenge by outfitting stadium kiosks, bars, hospitality areas and various event spaces with advanced smart technology. Devices including TVs, beer dispensers, fridges, glass chillers, and beer coolers, were retrofitted with Lightwave devices using existing wiring. This ensured minimal disruption to the stadium's daily operations. The smart technology give full remote access control, energy measurement and optimises energy use during stadium downtime, drastically reducing unnecessary power consumption and aligning with the stadium's net zero goals. The results were remarkable: the London Stadium expects to achieve a 60% energy saving with a 7- month return on investment. Lightwave continues to support the stadium with full remote

Stadium Overview: 60,000 Football Capacity 80,000 Concert mode

Lightwave have deployed over 600 Devices giving individual or group monitoring and control, significantly

Reducing energy by 60%

access, regular maintenance, automated scheduling, monthly reporting, and further energy-saving advice.

ROI of less than 7 months.

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