JCC Leviton-Catalogue 33

JCC Catalogue 33



6WDWH RI WKH DUW WHVWLQJ IDFLOLWLHV We have continued to invest in our state-of-the-art in-house testing facility which allows us to fully test key aspects of our products performance from thermal characteristics, electrical safety, detailed harmonics, live switching and photometry. This ensures that our products always meet the highest standards expected by our valued customers.

4XDOLW\ DQG UHOLDELOLW\ Quality is at the heart of everything we do and underpins our brand. Every new product that we launch goes through rigorous in-house and independent 3rd party testing to ensure full compliance to the required approvals and standards.

/LJKWLQJ GHVLJQ VHUYLFH Our team of lighting designers are on hand to support you with your next lighting project. As experts in the JCC product portfolio and with their extensive knowledge of all sectors and applications, they can produce detailed calculations and drawings in accordance with CIBSE, BS 5499 and BS 5266-1 guidelines and standards.

'HGLFDWHG SURGXFWLRQ IDFLOLW\ 2XU GHGLFDWHG SURGXFWLRQ IDFLOLW\ LV ORFDWHG DW RXU +HDG 2IîFH LQ :HVW Sussex. This investment ensures that we can offer the highest level of service on conversions and strengthen the breadth of variants offered within our full product portfolio.

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