JCC Leviton-Catalogue 33
About Us /HYLWRQ LV D ZRUOG OHDGHU LQ GLYHUVLîHG HOHFWULFDO WHFKQRORJLHV DQG the largest privately owned manufacturer of electrical wiring equipment in North America. Leviton products help customers create sustainable and intelligent environments through their electrical wiring devices, network and data centre connectivity solutions, lighting energy management systems, and security and automation applications. Operating in over 80 countries and with a portfolio of more than 25,000 products, Leviton are at the forefront of global developments in building technology and are uniquely positioned to support JCC in developing cutting edge LED innovation. Leviton acquired JCC in 2013 to enhance JCC’s position as the UK market leader in LED lighting and strengthen our shared vision to HQVXUH DFFHVVLELOLW\ WR WKH EHQHîWV RI WKH ODWHVW /(' WHFKQRORJ\
Established in 1989, JCC are market leaders in the development of cutting edge LED lighting technology.
We are driven by our passion to create innovative LED lighting solutions. This ensures that our customers can take advantage RI WKH EHQHîWV WKDW WKH ODWHVW /(' WHFKQRORJ\ FDQ SURYLGH IRU both domestic, commercial and industrial applications. We believe that LED lighting is the most effective way that homes and businesses can tackle rising energy costs and the global need to reduce CO 2 consumption. LED technology provides us with the opportunity to readdress traditional lighting and create innovative solutions that can improve installation times, enrich our homes, increase productivity within the workplace and enhance safety across all environments.
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