JCC Leviton-Catalogue 33
Emergency Remote Pack Self-Test Automated testing for assurance of safety
JCC’s Emergency Remote Packs are designed to comply with the requirements of UK law and the relevant industry national and international standards. Both the Self-test and standard remote packs ensure that emergency lighting systems comply with the recommendations of BS5266-1: Code of Practice for the Emergency Lighting. The weekly, monthly and annual testing for emergency lighting must be undertaken at times of least risk and in accordance with EN 50172:2004. JCC’s self-test remote pack supports Facilities Managers with this requirement by automatically carrying out the required tests and KLJKOLJKWLQJ DQ\ LVVXHV YLD WKH /(' LQGLFDWRU 7KH LQGLFDWRU ZLOO ïDVK UHG ZKHQ DQ\ RI WKHVH WHVWV have failed, quickly highlighting any issues that can then be resolved straight away.
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