JCC Catalogue 34 2023
ON/OFF Simply interrupts the electrical supply to the light fitting.
MICROWAVE A transmitter sends out continuous waves of radiation that bounce off people and are received back at the sensor. These detectors can be more robust than a PIR but travel through walls and can cause unplanned detection. PHOTOCELL The sensor reacts to natural ambient light and will turn on when a predetermined level of light is reached. The fitting remains on until the light increases to a second pre set light level, at which the light will switch off. This is useful when limited illumination is required for safety or security. SEPARATE CONTROL WIRE Used to control most commercial applications where the power usage is greater. Allows the transmission of 1-10V, DALI, and DSI directly to the light fittings. WIRELESS TRANSMISSION Used to transmit a digital signal and doesn’t require a separate control wire, however wireless links can suffer interference and are limited in range particularly where walls and metal objects exist. Examples of these include RF (radio frequency) and Zigbee which is an example standard that allows meshing to increase range and availability.
ON/OFF TIMED Switches the lights on for a pre-programmed time and are often used in communal access corridors and staircases. DIMMABLE Switches allow adjustment of the light level, often adjusted by rotary (Triac) or the length of time the switch is pressed (Switch Dim). NON-DIMMABLE The driver cannot adjust the power to the LED fitting and can therefore only be switched on/off. DALI/1-10V DIMMABLE The power to the LEDs can be changed by the driver when it receives a signal from the operating system. Examples include DALI or 1-10V dimming. These can also be programmed to create ‘scenes’ and ‘zones’ within the lighting. PIR ‘Passive Infrared’ identifies people or animals by looking for changes in the heat pattern. The sensor detects the change in radiation and turn on the light.
JCC Catalogue 34 515
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