JCC Catalogue 34 2023

Toughbay ™ Microwave Remote

• Quick and simple programming of microwave sensor settings • For use with the Toughbay Microwave range

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DETECTION AREA Variable microwave sensitivity depending on mounting height & required area of detection.

STAND-BY DIM LEVEL The minimum brightness the luminaire remains at after no movement is detected.

HOLD TIME The length of time the luminaire remains at full brightness before dimming or turning off.

STAND-BY PERIOD Length of time the luminaire remains at the dimmed brightness before turning off.

DAYLIGHT SENSOR Select ambient natural light level that is required before the luminaire is switched on with microwave detection.

QUICK SETTING 4 default settings available.

Suitable for different applications & mounting heights (see website for more details).



LEV 71808

Toughbay Microwave Remote

Body: Polycarbonate.

JCC Catalogue 34 509

*Extended warranty requires online registration. 2 year warranty on batteries for emergency variants. T & C’s apply.

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