Collingwood Landscape Brochure 2023
Spike lights
Whether lighting a pathway, plants, or to really embellish an outdoor feature, spike lights are a great addition to any environment. Spike lights are the most flexible lighting choice for a garden as they can be used pretty much anywhere. They are easy to move around so you can even change the scheme to reflect the season. Use the sleek and contemporary spike lights as the finishing touch to a layered landscape lighting scheme, or as the sole source of light for quick and easy, yet stunning and professional results.
Easily adjust the tilt or location of a light as your landscape changes, and to create a variety of different effects throughout your space with one simple product. Upgrade the look and feel of the spike light with a low glare hood for optimum light distribution, or a snoot provides a calming moonlight effect. Pick a twin fitting to double the results! Constructed from premium materials built to last and withstand the elements, the spike lights are available in straight to mains and low voltage options.
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