Click Ovia Lighting 2021

INCEPTOR ® SKYLAR UGR16 Ultra Low Glare Panel Lights

DC Connector Lead (Male)

The LED Driver connects here.

Two rows of LEDs. LED Strip

Disperses light outwards with minimal glare. Ultra Low *ODUH 'LIIXVHU


<16 UGR


Emergency & Dimming &RPSDWLEOH ZLWK 29(0&* (PHUJHQF\ 3DFN OVCGMF001 Multi-Function LED Driver to enable emergency operation and 3 different types of dimming operation.

7KH 7ULGRQLF GULYHU·V )O\ /HDG FRPHV SUH ÀWWHG ZLWK D PDOH Flow ™ connector & a Fast Fit Female Flow ™ connector with SXVK ÀW WHUPLQDOV Pre-wired Flow ™ Connector

UGR Rating of <16

Minimises glare and refocuses the light towards the object of illumination with its narrow 70° beam angle.

Integrated Flow ™ Connector

For quick and easy installation.

DC Connector Lead (Female)


The LED Panel connects here.

To hold all internal components.


Cool White Colour Temperature

70 o Beam Angle

+RXUV Lifetime

Dimmable Available

Made with FlippingBook Annual report