CK Tools Brochure
VDE Cable Sheath Slitting Knife Specially adapted knife for slitting the outer sheath of cables without damaging inner wire insulation. Individually tested to 10,000v for safe live working up to 1,000v. EN 60900, VDE0682/201, ASTM-F 1505
&DEOH 6WULSSHU .DELˉ[ 'XDO SXUSRVH FDEOH VWULSSHU DQG SODVWLF WXEH FXWWLQJ WRRO Cutting blade automatically repositions from cutting around, to cutting along the sheath for fast and damage free stripping. Adjustable cutting depth for damage free stripping.
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VDE Cable Knife - Straight Blade
EN 60900, VDE0682/201, ASTM-F 1505
Electrician’s Knife Locking pocket knife with a durable, sharp, high carbon steel blade and wire stripping notch for fast and convenient cable & wire stripping.
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VDE Cable Knife - Hooked Blade
EN 60900, VDE0682/201, ASTM-F 1505
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