Astro Lighting Brochure 2021
BN brushed nickel nickel brossé nickel gebürstet nickel spazzolato
Br bronze bronze bronze bronzo
BA brushed aluminium aluminium brossé aluminium gebürstet alluminio spazzolato
Bk black noir schwarz nero
AA anodised aluminium aluminium anodisé anodisiertes aluminium alluminio anodizzato
AB antique brass lation antique messing antik ottone antico
BSS brushed stainless steel acier inoxydable brossé rostfreier edelstahl,gebürst acciaio inox spazzolato
Cr cream blanc cassé
Fr frosted glass verre satiné satiniertes glas smerigliato
LG light grey gris Clair hellgrau grigio chiaro
MB matt black noir mat mattschwarz nero opaco
ceramic céramique keramisch ceramica
clear acrylic acrylique transparent klares Acryl plexiglass trasparente
coastal brass lation coastal messing coastal ottone coastal
creme panna
MG matt gold or mat matt gold oro opaco
Mi mirror finish miroir spiegel finitura a specchio
MN matt nickel nickel mat nickel matt nickel opaco
MPS matt painted silver mat peinture argent matt silber lackiert mate pintado plata
MW matt white blanc mat mattweiß bianco opaco
NB natural brass laiton naturel messing natur ottone naturale
matt concrete béton mat matt Beton cemento opaco
PA polished aluminium aluminium poli aluminium poliert alluminio brillante
PCh polished chrome chrome poli chrom poliert cromo brillante
PCo polished copper cuivre poli kupfer poliert rame lucido
PN polished nickel nickel poli nickel poliert nickel brillante
PSS polished stainless steel acier inoxydable poli edelstahl poliert acciaio inox brillante
TB textured black noir texturé strukturiertes schwarz nero tessurizzato
plaster plâtre gips gesso P
TG textured grey gris texturé strukturiertes Grau grigio ruvido
WG white glass verre blanc weißes glas vetro bianco
W walnut
textured white blanc texturé
white blanc weiß bianco
finition noyer walnussoptik noce
strukturiertes weiß bianco tessurizzato
Please note Finishes may vary from batch to batch / Merci de noter que les finis peuvent varier d'un lot a l'autre / Bitte beachten: Farbenoberflächen je nach Charge variieren / I finiture potrebbero essere diversi a seconda del lotto di produzione
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