Airflow Solutions main catalogue

Part No. Ref



Part No. Ref






Pull Cord Module

72 72

Loovent eco SELV Timer

78-79 78-79 80-81 80-81 80-81 80-81

72574204 PCTS 72574202 HTS 72574203 PRTS 72574201 PRHTS 72682307 DTS

Pull Cord with adjustable Timer Module

72684310 LVECOSHT 72684308 LVECOD 72684311 LVECODHT 72684312 LVECODST

Loovent eco SELV Humidity/Timer Loovent eco dMEV CV Timer Loovent eco dMEV Humidity/Timer Loovent eco dMEV SELV Timer

Humidity, Pull Cord with Timer overrun Module 72 Passive Infra Red with Timer overrun Module 72

Residential Fans Ventilation for the home

Passive Infra Red/Humidity/Timer Module

72 72

Self Delay Start/Timer

72684313 LVECODSHT Loovent eco dMEV SELV Humidity/Timer

Category D and V

iCON LOW ENERGY MODULES 72687127 PCE Pull Cord Module

LOOVENTS 71766401 TM (01)

73 73 73 73 73 73 73

100mm Adjustable timer-light/door switch operation

Part No. Ref



Part No. Ref



72687128 TE 72687129 HTE 72687130 MSTE 72687131 MSHTE 72687132 CV2E 72687133 DTE 72687134 2SHE

Adjustable Timer Module


AURA ECO 9041347 AUE100B 9041348 AUE100T 9041349 AUE100HT 90000532 AUE125B 90000533 AUE125T 90000534 AUE125HT 9041351 AUE150B 9041352 AUE150T 9041353 AUE150HT AURA IN-LINE 9041355 AUINL100B 9041356 AUINL100T

9041497 QT120B 9041498 QT120T

120mm Basic fan (no delay) choice of 2 speeds48-49 120mm Eco start after 2 minutes, choice of two speeds, adjustable timer 48-49 120mm Eco start after 2 minutes, two speed, adjustable humidity and timer 48-49

Humidity, Pull Cord with Timer overrun Module Motion sensor with Timer overrun Module Motion sensor/Humidity/Timer Module iCON Continuous Ventilation Module at 8 l/sec or 13 l/sec iCON Module - Delayed Timer start AC iCON Module - 2 speed, Humidity, Pull Cord boost AC

ROOMVENTS 71616301 T (07)

100mm Basic 100mm Timer

34-35 34-35 34-35 34-35 36-37 36-37 36-37 36-37 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39

100mm Integral adjustable timer, two room ventilation, for light or door switch operation 100mm Integral adjustable timer, for light or door switch operation. Two room option

9041499 QT120HT

100mm Humidity/Timer


9041350 AUE100MST 100mm Motion Sensor/Timer

71616501 WFT

9041500 QT120MST

120mm Two speed, motion sensor, adjustable timer



125mm Basic 125mm Timer

90000454 QT150B

150mm Basic Fan (no delay) choice of two speeds

SUPERVENT 71908801 SV6



125mm Humidity/Timer

90000455 QT150T

150mm Eco start after 2 minutes, choice of 2 speed, adjustable timer 150mm Eco start after 2 minutes,choice of 2 speed, adjustable humidity and timer 150mm Variable speed from 50 – 260m3/h by remote switch

100mm Two speed manual control (remote switch) 100mm Auto 2 speed, inbuilt humidistat, pull cord boost override 100mm Adjustable volume/adjustable timer

90000535 AUE125MST 125mm Motion Sensor/Timer

iCON COVERS 52634503 iCVA15 52634504 iCVSV15 52634505 iCVS15 52634502 iCVC15 52634506 iCVA30 52634507 iCVSV30 52634508 iCVS30 52634509 iCVA60 52634510 iCVSV60 52634511 iCVS60 iCONstant 72687117 ICSTT 72687118 ICSTHT LOOVENT eco 72684305 LVECOT 72684306 LVECOHT 72684307 LVECOMST



150mm Basic 150mm Timer

iCON15 cover Anthracite

73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73

71939302 SV6HP

90000456 QT150HT

86-87 86-87

iCON15 cover Silver


150mm Humidity/Timer

72357001 SV6T

iCON15 cover Sandstone iCON15 cover Chrome iCON30 cover Anthracite

90000458 QT150VS

9041354 AUE150MST 150mm Motion Sensor/Timer


AVENTA IN-LINE 9041085 AV100

MAXIVENT-ECO 72678201 MV150 eco P 150mm Eco motor - Wall/ceiling auto shutter and pull cord 72678301 MV150 eco T 150mm Eco motor - Wall/ceiling auto shutter with timer 72678401 MV150 eco H 150mm Eco motor - Wall/ceiling auto shutter integral h/stat/pull cord

100mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed


iCON30 cover Silver

100mm In-line Fan with Bracket

40-41 40-41

100mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed with timer 88-89

9041086 AV100T

iCON30 cover Sandstone iCON60 cover Anthracite

100mm In-line Fan with Bracket & Timer


9041087 AV125 9041088 AV125T

125mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed


iCON60 cover Silver

AURA FAN WITH SHOWER KIT 9041420 AUSHWKT 100mm In-line Shower Fan Kit Basic 100mm In-line Shower Fan Kit Timer 42-43 9041422 AUSHWLTKT 100mm In-line Shower Fan Kit Basic with Light 42-43 9041421 AUSHWTLTKT 100mm In-Line Shower Fan Kit Timer with Light 42-43 AURA SMART 90000384 AUSH 100/125mm Humidity/Timer 44-45 90000385 AUSMSHT 100/125mm Motion Sensor Humidity/Timer 44-45 90000386 ACVMB Marble Cover - HT 44-45 90000387 ACVSV Silver Cover - HT 44-45 90000388 ACVCH Champagne Cover -HT 44-45 90000389 ACVRD Red Cover - HT 44-45 90000390 ACVMV Mauve Cover - HT 44-45 90000391 ACVGR Graphite Cover - HT 44-45 90000392 ACVBK Black Cover - HT 44-45 90000416 ACNMMB Marble Cover - MSHT 44-45 90000417 ACVMSV Silver Cover - MSHT 44-45 90000418 ACVMCH Champagne Cover - MSHT 44-45 90000419 ACVMRD Red Cover - MSHT 44-45 90000420 ACVMMV Mauve Cover - MSHT 44-45 90000421 ACVMGR Graphite Cover - MSHT 44-45 90000422 ACVMBK Black Cover - MSHT 44-45 QUIETAIR 9041259 QT100B 100mm Basic fan (no delay) choice of 2 speeds46-47 9041260 QT100T 100mm Eco start after 2 minutes, choice of two speeds, adjustable timer 46-47 9041261 QT100HT 100mm Eco start after 2 minutes, two speed, adjustable humidity and timer 46-47 9041262 QT100MST 100mm Two speed, motion sensor, adjustable timer 46-47 42-43 9041419 AUSHWTKT


125mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed with timer 88-89

iCON60 cover Sandstone


AVENTA IN-LINE WITH SHOWER KIT 9041407 AVSHWTKT 90-91 9041408 AVSHWTLTKT 100mm In-line shower kit with timer and light 90-91 9041406 AVPSHWTKT 125mm In-line shower kit with timer 90-91 100mm In-line shower kit with timer

iCON 72683501 iC15 72591601 iC30 72591701 iC60

100mm dMEV Timer

74-77 74-77

100mm dMEV Humidity/Timer

100mm iCON15 100mm iCON30 150mm iCON60

56-57 58-59 60-61

Loovent ecoTimer

78-79 78-79 78-79

iCON S eco 72683701 iC eco 15S

Loovent eco Humidity/Timer

Loovent eco Motion Sensor/Timer

100mm iCON eco15,dc low energy fan with Compact transformer 100mm iCON eco30,dc low energy fan with Compact transformer


Commercial Fans Offices, retail, leisure, education

72683801 iC eco 30S


Category D

iCON Low Energy - NEW 72687121 iC 15 eco

100mm iCON eco15,dc low energy fan 100mm iCON eco30,dc low energy fan 150mm iCON eco60,dc low energy fan

66-67 68-69 70-71

72687122 iC 30 eco 72687123 iC 60 eco

Part No. Ref



Part No. Ref




AVENTA TURBO 9041360 AVT100B 9041361 AVT125B 9041362 AVT150B 9041363 AVT200B 9041364 AVT250B 9041365 AVT315B

iCON 240V MODULES 72573602 PCM

100mm B Aventa Turbo - 250 m 3 /hr 125mm B Aventa Turbo - 365 m 3 /hr 150mm B Aventa Turbo - 495 m 3 /hr 200mm B Aventa Turbo - 790 m 3 /hr 250mm B Aventa Turbo - 1150 m 3 /hr 315mm B Aventa Turbo - 1325 m 3 /hr

98-99 98-99 98-99 98-99 98-99 98-99

9041089 AV150B 9041090 AV150T

150mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed 150mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed with timer


Pull Cord Module

72 72

72612601 TM 72687103 HTM 72687104 PRTM 72687102 PRHTM

Adjustable Timer Module


Humidity, Pull Cord with Timer overrun Module 72 Passive Infra Red with Timer overrun Module 72 Passive Infra Red/Humidity/Timer Module iCON Continuous Ventilation Module at 8 l/sec or 13 l/sec iCON Module - Delayed Timer start AC iCON Module 2 speed, Humidity, Pull Cord boost AC 72 72 72 72

AVENTA SILENT 90000358 AVS100 90000359 AVS125 90000360 AVS150 90000361 AVS200

100mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed 125mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed 150mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed 200mm Mixed flow in-line fan 2 speed

96-97 96-97 96-97 96-97

72675701 CV2

72675702 DTM 72675703 2SHM

Customer Services 01494 560800



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