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Is your building toxic? The causes
The Story of Air
Airtight Homes Modern dwellings are designed with increasingly reduced air infiltration rates, higher levels of insulation making them almost completely sealed. Consequently the air inside can become moist, stale and generally stuffy and unpleasant to breathe. As we spend nearly 70% of our time at home we should be looking after our indoor environment better. Unhealthy Atmosphere The indoor climate can be too warm, too cold, too damp, too dry combined with the activity of everyday living and people living together in close proximity produced odours, cooking smells and numerous unhealthy, volatile organic compounds (VOC). Biological Pollutants Are you sharing your bed with thousands of dust mites? Bedding and carpets are their home and if your dwelling is overly damp or humid they breed all the more. Dust mites contribute to the increase in asthma, chest infections and allergies and if left unchecked represent a very real health hazard.
Condensation Dampness is a huge problem in the U.K. Damaging to both humans, and to the fabric of buildings, condensation forms when the temperature of a surface (walls, mirror etc) is below the dew point of the surrounding air. This leads to streaming windows and walls and ultimately to mould. Carbon Emissions Everyone is aware of the need to reduce our carbon footprint. Managing the carbon emissions from dwellings will be the cornerstone of our Building Regulations until we reach a carbon zero dwelling. From appliances to people, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is emitted and needs to be curtailed.
Radon Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible, odourless gas that comes from deposits of uranium in soil, rock, and water. It is harmlessly dispersed in outdoor air, but when trapped in buildings, can be harmful, especially at elevated levels. Some regions of the U.K are more prone to radon gas than others. Exposure to radon is a leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking. The effects of radon gas in a dwelling can be largely eliminated by continuous mechanical ventilation. Noise Many people do not really stop and consider the constant level of sound we are subjected to on a daily basis, but noise is ever present. Often it is subliminal but never the less present around us, affecting our nervous system and in extreme cases our well being. Specifying quieter running ventilation products and radial design duct work that does not transmit noise between rooms contributes to a lower noise indoor environment.
Mould Unchecked levels of moisture (condensation) and relative humidity combined with a suitable organic breeding place such as wood, carpet, wallpaper etc., will inevitably lead to mould growth. Mildew forms in wall cavities and crevices and microscopic mould spores can be inhaled by humans triggering asthma, allergies and skin disorders.
Toxic Gases A variety of noxious and toxic gases can collect within a dwelling if not properly ventilated. All can have a serious effect on health and well being if not considered as part of a ventilation strategy.
15.3 of our time is spent indoors, where air can be more polluted
and biological materials indoors may effect our health 900 more pollutants may be found inside your home than outdoors 50 %
58 % million homes in the UK are at risk of ‘Toxic Home Syndrome’
90 % more chemical, particles
of people are at risk from a respiratory or dermatological condition because of poor air quality in their home 81 % of people have experienced mould or condensation in their home
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